Select Field Type

Renders a select control inside the block.

The type we would use inside the schema’s field_meta property to render this field is “select”: "type": "select"

If you haven’t already, we suggest you read the “model.json file” and “Field Types” pages before continuing.

Minimum Schema needed to create the field

selected_fruit": {
  "type": "object",
  "field_meta": {
    "type": "select",
    "options": [
      { "label": "Orange", "value": "orange" },
      { "label": "Apple", "value": "apple" },
      { "label": "Banana", "value": "banana" }
    "label": "Select a fruit"
  "default": {
    "value": "orange"

This snippet of code will generate a select control for selecting data from predefined options. The field name will be “selected_fruit”, its label will be “Select a fruit” and its value will be “orange” by default.

The schema for the select Field Type expects an options field_meta property, with the structure we can see in the snippet above.

What it would look like inside the block in the editor.

Select Field Type example | theme-redone

Rendering field’s data on the front-end:

We would use the same property that’s present inside the “default” object; "value", in this case.
In latte, it would look something like this.


Additional / Optional field_meta properties

Besides the optional properties help (explained on Field Types page), and col (explained on model.json page), this field type doesn’t have its own optional properties at this point.

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